Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I remember my sixth birthday,so clearly that it is hard to believe that I am 66 tomorrow. How could it be? Where have the past 60 years go? And.... will I get as cool a present as this doll was? On that sixth birthday, I got to have presents before I went to school. My new doll was beautiful and her clothes were blue,she had a lovely bonnet, and actual shoes. At life size she was even bigger than my baby brother, who is also in the photo. (The clue that it was NOT taken on my actual birthday!) I was so excited about this doll and so broken hearted about having to still go to school, that I became sick at school and had to come home. My Dad said maybe I made myself sick so I could come home to play.....maybe, maybe not, I don't think I was that clever. I walked home from Fairfax Elementary School right after lunch and got to play with my new doll.Walking home alone in itself was something that was common in those "olden" days.That wouldn't happen today. I was happy that day. I have no idea why no other childhood birthdays stand out. I am still kind of dumbstruck that 60 years have gone this quickly. So to quote the title of a poem that my Mom used to recite:"Happy Birthday to me", and no, I don't remember the poem.

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