Saturday, August 18, 2012

Oh creative muse, where are you?

I wonder what happened to that muse that kept me going during the last 3 or 4 years. I can't seem to get anything going these days. I order stones, I look at things that used to delight me...I just can't feel it. I don't like anything I have come up with of late. I branched out and did 3 paintings this summer...that was good. Instead of the rush to the finish that was my painting style in years past, I took my time and painted, and painted, and "dinked" around with it, fiddling with this thing and that.I was pleased with the results. My jewelry, not so much...I just don't like much of anything. I can't decide if I do any shows this fall or not. I want that Divine Creative Spark to visit me again and more addictive and exhilarating than any drug ever invented. Today is the 8 month anniversary of my Mother's passing. Is it really possible I am still inhibited by grief? Who knows.